Everything is connected
The soul of successful internal communications may be a culture of communications, but realizing it requires a robust, flexible and scalable network to bring colleagues together, and a sense of community to get them talking. In a lot of ways, the network is the easy part – after all, it’s just technology. Most existing tool … Continue reading "Everything is connected" ...
It’s a tool, not a religion
On one particular project, I worked with a man who was a true believer in Jive. Let’s call him Herbert. It didn’t bother him that the engagement numbers were low and confined to one small region, or that the tech was incompatible with the main platform. He believed in Jive, and he was going to … Continue reading "It’s a tool, not a religion" ...
Avoiding the publishers’ fallacy
One of the biggest pitfalls in any sort of communications endeavour is the publisher’s fallacy – the belief that your views and wants from your publication are the same as your readers’. Simply illustrated, the publisher’s fallacy goes like this: the publisher of a glossy mainstream sports magazine loves curling, so she thinks “since I … Continue reading "Avoiding the publishers’ fallacy" ...
Communication is culture
In many ways, traditional internal communications, and the infrastructures to support them, are obsolete. Classical intranets, newsletters, magazines, posters – all of these things are unidirectional legacies in an age that expects a conversation, not a communique. Of course, business does require that a great deal of the communication must be unidirectional – but it … Continue reading "Communication is culture" ...
The digital coffee bar
Colleagues talk. This is just an eternal fact of the working world. From quasi-work related conversations in the kitchen to scurrilous gossip on the way to the train, conversation happens. And, as our workplace increasingly digitalizes, so do our channels of informal discussion. So how do we manage this? Unfortunately, far too many companies try … Continue reading "The digital coffee bar" ...